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Taken 15-Dec-13
Visitors 45

10 of 18 photos
Photo Info

Dimensions1536 x 1163
Original file size996 KB
Image typeJPEG
Color spaceUncalibrated
Date modified15-Dec-13 21:20
M8, NGC 6559, and NGC 6544

M8, NGC 6559, and NGC 6544

August 17-18, 2012 at Island Lake, MN
TAK FSQ 106ED with Reducer QE, LPS Filter, 387mm f/3.6
Astrohutech modified Canon 50D, ISO 800, 96 x 1min
Losmandy G11, guided with Orion SSAG, 50mm f/5 guidescope
Processed with IP v3.80, CS4, GradientXTerminator