Visitors 3626
449 photos

The Arrowhead Astronomical Society (AAS) of Duluth, Minnesota was founded in 1979 to give astronomy enthusiasts of all interest levels an opportunity to meet and share their passion for the wonders of the universe. Our mission is to promote the awareness, enjoyment, and understanding of astronomy. This website displays member astrophotographs as well as photographs of AAS events and activities. For more information about AAS, go to

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Jim Schaff

Visitors 140
14 photos
Created 10-Jun-24
Modified 10-Jun-24
Jim Schaff

Tom Nelson Favorite Images

Visitors 56
18 photos
Created 6-Jun-24
Modified 6-Jun-24
Tom Nelson Favorite Images

William Wiethoff

Visitors 556
139 photos
Created 4-Jun-24
Modified 4-Jun-24
William Wiethoff

Understanding the Night Sky

Visitors 32
14 photos
Created 29-May-24
Modified 29-May-24
Understanding the Night Sky

Matthew Moses

Visitors 76
34 photos
Created 29-May-24
Modified 29-May-24
Matthew Moses

Martha Fagan

Visitors 29
6 photos
Created 29-May-24
Modified 29-May-24
Martha Fagan

Jim Harstad

Visitors 20
1 photos
Created 29-May-24
Modified 29-May-24
Jim Harstad

Tom Nelson

Visitors 2494
152 photos
Created 29-May-24
Modified 29-May-24
Tom Nelson

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Personal Astrophoto Image Galleries

Galleries 12
Modified 1-Oct-21
433 photos
Personal Astrophoto Image Galleries

AAS Events 2013 Image Galleries

Modified 23-May-20
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AAS Events 2012 Image Galleries

Galleries 1
Modified 23-May-20
16 photos

AAS Events 2011 Image Galleries

Modified 23-May-20
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AAS Events 2010 Image Galleries

Modified 23-May-20
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AAS Events 2009 Image Galleries

Modified 23-May-20
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Personal Observing Reports and Images

Modified 23-May-20
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Links to AAS Videos

Modified 23-May-20
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AAS Events 2015

Modified 23-May-20
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Guestbook for Arrowhead Astronomical Society of Duluth
Astrophoto! Amazing work!
Ron Shepherd(non-registered)
Good Morning,
At last, at the age of 65, I have purchased a telescope and am anticipating many hours of night time observing. My wife reminded me that I usually crash and burn by 9 p.m. but I have plans to stay up much later, perhaps even 9:30.
I purchased an 8' Dobsonian and it looks great sitting in my living room. Good conversation starter. I must admit though, that I have never peered through a telescope in my life.
I will follow along with the postings of the AAS and hopefully learn a few things, like which end to look through. I have grand plans and may even attend one of your monthly meetings.
Best Regards,
Ron Shepherd
Grand Rapids, Minnesota
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